How long does it take to grieve a pet?

How long does it take to grieve a pet?

There are so many variables that may determine the outcome of how long you spend in the grieving process so let's just go through 4:

Glass half full or Half empty mindset

When you talk about your pet do you reflect with gratitude, fondly reflecting on your relationship and so happy with all those special memories that you created or do you suffer with pain, reflect on the past negatively and wish you had of done things differently.

Gratitude is a way that you can process the emotions and memories but they don’t hold you down, you are able to move on faster as you no longer have the burden of pain. This does not mean that you do not feel it as much as another person, it just means that by putting a more positive spin on your attitude towards the situation you are able to move through it with a bit more ease.

Current Lifecycle

Where you are in your own life cycle can play a huge role in the amount of time it takes to process grief. For Example. A mum at home with young children doesn’t have the time to process their emotions as an independent person does. Parents can be more time poor and don’t have the same amount of time to process emotion as they are constantly on the go.

The Circumstance of loss

There is no bigger heartache than losing a pet at a pup or only in their prime and haven’t got the chance to really give life a crack, the pain of loss can linger for longer and be surrounded with anger and guilt. This also can have the same effect if the loss was due to an accident. Both of these “out of the normal” scenarios can cause shock, pushing the healing time out even longer.

Support System

It can be counterintuitive to want to be around people when experiencing grief as you feel misunderstood or judged but having a support system can be very beneficial in helping you heal. The more you process the emotions, the faster you will reach a place where you still feel the loss but you're not in the feeling of the loss anymore.

Ultimately we are all different, and as much as all the above are defiantly huge contributors in your healing at the end of the day we all handle it differently, so it is important to be kind to yourself and sit in the treturous water rapids that are your grief, the more you fight it, the harder it will be. 


Take Care, I love you and I am here for you always

Chantal x



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