6 ways to cope with an empty house after pet loss

6 ways to cope with an empty house after pet loss

We all have those moments at home when we get annoyed at things we have to do to keep our nosey/hungry pets out of the way. Whether it's running into the toilet, a quick shuffle to lock the door before they get a chance to slide in, god forbid you go to the bathroom in peace. A gift from nature that you could really have done without (insert rolling eyes emoji here)

It is these moments that you reflect on only to wish you could relive every moment again. The pitter patter of nails down the hallway or the perpetual meowing as you attempt to sleep in a Sunday but now there is silence.... How could silence be so loud? How could nothingness be so busy... 

Navigating an empty home can be the biggest lost because it is where so much of your story belongs. Here are 6 tips that can help you move through your grief as a way to heal in a healthy way.


  1. Create a Tribute Space
    It doesn’t need to be a whole room, it can just be a shelf on a bookcase case or a window seal, a place for you to see and reflect can be a great way to bring joyous memories into your life. Our Pets in Bloom Planter Urn can be a great way to pay homage to your pet. 


  1. Establish a New Routine
    So you get up at 6am for your walk every day for the past 9 years and then all of sudden that reason to get up half asleep to be dragged around the block has gone. It’s time for you to switch it out for something else. Maybe try a new hobby, join a neighbour for their morning walk or practising self care can be a great way to reset.


  1. Volunteer or Foster
    If you miss having your pet around but can’t come to terms with getting a new puppy maybe you could consider volunteering or fostering. It is not a full time commitment so you will remain free to do activities you can without your pet but it can fill that hole you currently feel in the home. Also it is food for the soul  to be able to help an animal a chance at a happy life.


  1. Add Life to Your Home
    It doesn’t have to come in the form of another 4 legged furry friend, you can add more plants, re-decorate your home to give it a fresh look. It's these small adjustments that can help you look at your space through a fresh set of eyes. 


  1. Memorialise Your Pet
    There are plenty of memorial products out there these days, obviously Pets in Bloom planter urns are a favourite of ours. These types of products can be a great healing mechanism as you face the grieving process. 

6. Stay Connected
Stay connected with your family and friends. Sharing your feelings helps to ease the emotional load. Or if you don’t feel like anyone understands there are plenty of facebook and reddit groups you can check out.



I employ you to use one of the above suggestions as a way to negate this feeling move forward because as hard as grief is it should never be the confluence of your life's story. It is a teacher, the foundation of the souls growth. No one can avoid it, it is a part of your life's story so the way your process it and move through it matters. 

I love you, take care of your heart. Sending you love.

Chantal x

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